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2022-11-07Committee on Social Welfare and Environment Hygiene Affairs Focus on Occupational Safety and Health and Vocational Training for People with Disabilities
2022-10-27CY Delegation Led by President Chu Chen Attends 34th APOR Conference
2022-08-1090th Anniversary Special Issue English Edition Released: CY Committed to International Exchanges and Striving to Host 2025/2026 APOR Conference
2022-07-01Publication of the Fourth Issue of the Control Yuan Newsletter
2022-06-21CY President Meets with New Saint Lucian Ambassador Robert K. Lewis
2022-06-06The Control Yuan Publishes 2021 Annual Report
2022-05-02Control Yuan and Judicial Yuan Jointly Organize Citizen Judges Moot Court Simulation
2022-04-19Following Lee Ming-che’s Release and Return to Taiwan, the National Human Rights Commission Calls on the Chinese Government to Comply with the International Bill of Human Rights by Protecting the Rights of Taiwanese Citizens who are Detained on Chinese Soil
2022-03-14NHRC Calls on Russia to Immediately Cease the Invasion of Ukraine and Comply with UN Conventions and Human Rights Treaties
2022-02-18NHRC Inaugural Digital Human Rights Conference Explores Challenges and Devises Strategies on Digital Human Rights
2021-12-29Inaugural International Conference on Human Rights Development Held—Chen Chu Hopes Taiwan’s Experience can Contribute Internationally
2021-11-12New AIT Director Visits CY President for Deeper Human Rights Cooperation
2021-10-15French Senate Delegation Visits Taiwan, Meets with CY President
2021-09-29CY Urges Three-level Prevention of Sexual Assault of Children and Youths
2021-08-0290th Anniversary Special Issue Creates a New Chapter in the History of the Control Yuan
2021-07-01Publication of the Second Issue of the Control Yuan Newsletter
2021-06-23The Control Yuan Publishes 2020 Annual Report
2021-05-27Control Yuan 90th Anniversary Symposium on Practices and Prospects for Supervisory Power
2021-04-29AOC Violates ICCPR by not Separating Defendants from Prisoners in Detention; CY Urges Improvement
2021-04-22CY President Meets New Taipei Australian Office Representative Jenny Bloomfield