On July 29, 2021, the Control Yuan officially released “The Control Yuan 90th Anniversary Special Issue.” CY President Chu CHEN remarked in her speech that this special issue covers the history of the CY, progress in the handling of human rights issues, important landmarks in the CY’s work, and the appearance of the building that houses it both past and present. It is a valuable record of the historical evolution and democratic development of the institution from its first president, You-jen YU, through to modern-day Taiwan, providing an important chronicle of the past and vision of the future. We hope to continue this work into the years to come as we create a new chapter in the history of the CY.
This year, 2021, marks the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the CY. At the end of 2020, President Chu CHEN instructed CY Secretary General Judy, Fu-meei JU to plan a series of activities to commemorate the occasion while still taking into account the Covid-19 pandemic, and to start compiling an anniversary special issue in the hopes of showcasing the positive work that the CY does in helping the workings of government. In exercising its supervisory powers, the CY not only oversees government and corrects errors by officials, it also helps facilitate the administration of the nation. This special issue presents a discussion of the historical evolution of this supervisory authority and offers statistical analyses to provide government agencies with an insight into the past that can help prevent future mistakes. It can also serve as a reference for the CY in planning future focus and resource allocation.
President CHEN noted that the CY is the nation’s highest supervisory organ, and it strives to do its job well in overseeing governments and protecting the rights of the people. However, the public still does not fully understand the functions and duties of the CY, and as a result, there have been many misunderstandings. She also expressed her hope that the CY can continue its original powers, change with the broader environment and take on the mission of the times, part of which includes keeping up with trends and pushing toward transformation. To this end, many innovative programs have been launched, and the CY remains as determined as ever to continue keeping pace with the times.
In the 12 months since she took office, said President CHEN, the CY has been strongly committed to diversifying its services. To proactively respond to public opinion, a new videoconferencing system has been fully implemented for the presentation of petitions to the CY, and case progress will be disclosed on the website as a means of further recognizing the people’s right to know. Furthermore, to ensure fairness and justice, it is necessary for professional investigators to assist CY Members in exercising their functions, and to this end, the CY will work with the National Audit Office to plan training courses for the purposes of diversified expertise and stronger investigation. With the CY also being the organ responsible for the implementation of the Sunshine Acts, it works to promote a robust legal system, integrity in government, and the optimization of online services, thus making things easier for the public while also realizing the spirit of the Sunshine Acts through deeper and more accurate reviews.
President CHEN also emphasized that the protection of human rights is a never-ending pursuit. The two core tasks of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) are to create a system for the protection of human rights and to promote education in human rights. With the NHRC approaching its first anniversary, there has been much discussion about the institution. Moving into the future, the NHRC will continue to engage with both the legislature and the broader community, communicating and seeking support in the hopes that everybody will join in on the work of protecting human rights even as work continues to strengthen those protections, bolster educational efforts, and encourage public-private cooperative efforts. The NHRC is an important platform for exchange on human rights issues and a means for showcasing Taiwan’s work on both the societal and policymaking fronts, presenting the important improvements that government agencies are making and encouraging more people to get on board with human rights work and concepts.
Furthermore, said President CHEN, the NHRC will promise further stronger international exchanges on human rights issues and the sharing of relevant experience, helping Taiwan keep pace with the rest of the world in the joint promotion of human rights. In the future, Taiwan will continue to work toward the high standards set by international conventions on human rights. This year, there have already been investigations into issues such as the rights of foreign fishing labor, and in the future, the NHRC website will be revamped to meet the highest standards of accessibility, ensuring that all members of the public can exercise their right of access to information. It is further hoped that the CY and NHRC will become a reliable support for the disadvantaged peoples, upholding the values of freedom, democracy, and human rights in Taiwan.
This 90th anniversary special issue was headed up by CY Secretary General Judy, Fu-meei JU, going beyond the usual format of the institution’s regular publications to present the history, organization, physical home, duties, and evolution of the CY, along with information on major cases investigated by the CY over the years. The goal of this is to help the general public get a better understanding of the various aspects of this supervisory institution. “The Control Yuan 90th Anniversary Special Issue” took more than four months to compile, with 20 editorial meetings held by Secretary-General Judy, Fu-meei JU and 123 participants, and it was edited in the most economical way.
CY President CHEN remarked that work began on collecting information last year, with CY staff poring over each word and undertaking a constant and tireless process of revision and adjustment until the job was done. The president thanked the staff for all their hard work compiling important information covering every stage of the history to help guide readers through these nine decades of work and accomplishments.
The final chapter of the special issue, “Inheritance and Transformation,” showcases the direction of innovation and reform in the various areas of CY work as it has strived to be an institution that works for the rights of the people with professionalism, technological capability, and transparency. At the launch event, President CHEN and the other Members stuck six slogans calling for these values to a large prop of the special issue, highlighting the efforts that the CY has made toward diversification and improvement and symbolizing the institution’s dedication to ongoing efforts in openness and innovation.