National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) chair Chu CHEN and CY members made a visit to the National Academy for Educational Research on November 23. The delegation discussed human rights education with deputy education minister Ching-Hwa TSAI and officials and researchers from the Department of Special Education, K-12 Education Administration, and National Academy for Educational Research.
Much of the lively discussion was about the training of school teachers, directors, and principals. Both sides reached an agreement on collaborating in spreading human rights awareness and developing human rights enabling environments in the process of training.
CY members consider school teachers, directors, and principals to be key to promoting human rights education on campuses. They hope to raise human rights awareness in the process of training, making the campus a human rights learning environment and enriching human rights teaching material.
United Nations human rights education and training also emphasizes the implementation of human rights education in teaching material, curriculum design, and learning environment. Hence, Chen gave the Ministry of Education international human rights documents including the “Plan of Action for the First Phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education” and a guidebook for teachers on professional boundaries, with the hope that these can serve as references for the promotion of human rights education.