Chief Ombudsman of Papua New Guinea (PNG) Mr. Ila Geno and his senior legal officer Mr. Nemo Yalo were invited by the Control Yuan and arrived in Taiwan on December 8, 2003 for their four-day visit. Mr. Geno is the highest supervision leader in charge of the Ombudsman Commission of PNG, which together with the Control Yuan, are Institutional Members of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) and belong to the Australasian and Pacific Ombudsman Region of IOI. Both agencies have built a sound and friendly relation. During this trip, Mr. Geno and Mr. Yalo visited the Control Yuan, the Ministry of Audit, the Government Information Office and Hsinchu Science Park. Besides, Mr. Geno also made a speech in the Control Yuan Plenary Meeting introducing the powers and functions of the Ombudsman Commission of PNG.