Leading by Prof. Masajiro Kamada, the President of the National Federation of Administrative Counselors’ Association (NFAA) of Japan, twenty members of NFAA took a trip to Taiwan this Monday. Soon after their arrival in Taipei, Prof. Kamada and Prof. Nagatomo Yamaoka, NFAA's Vice President called on the Control Yuan in the afternoon. Prof. Kamada gave a speech to introduce the administrative counselors system in Japan at the Plenary Meeting of the Control Yuan on March 12. After the speech, President Fredrick F. Chien, on behalf of the Control Yuan, presented him the First Grade Control Yuan Medal to recognize his great contributions on the promotion of administrative inspection affairs between two countries. Prof. Kamada has rich experiences in the activities of administrative counselors. He has been an administrative counselor since 1971 and being the President of NFAA since 1992. He also participates very actively in international ombudsman affairs.