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Regulations for Receiving and Handling People’s Written Complaints Submitted by the Control Yuan

  1. The Regulations were enacted during the twenty-second Control Yuan plenary meeting on July 20, 1948.

  2. Article 2 was amended on Nov. 18, 1955, Ref: Chien-Tai-Yuan-Yi Tze No.2286.

  3. The title was changed from ‘Regulations for Receiving People’s Written Complaints by the Control Yuan and its Members’ to the current one, and most articles were amended on May 29, 1973, Ref: Chien-Tai-Yuan-Yi Tze No.1543.

  4. Articles 3, 15, 17 were amended on June 20, 1975, Ref: Chien-Tai-Yuan-Yi Tze No.1428.

  5. Article 3 was amended on June 8, 1984, Ref: Chien-Tai-Yuan-Yi Tze No.1533.

  6. Article 6 was amended on Sept. 14, 1984, Ref: Chien-Tai-Yuan-Yi Tze No.2430.

  7. All 15 articles were amended on Oct. 30, 1993, Ref: Yuan-Tai-San-Chia Tze No.6357.

  8. Articles were amended on Nov. 14, 1995, during the thirty-fifth plenary meeting of the second term of the Control Yuan.

  9. Articles 6, 8, 9, 10 were amended on March 24, 1998, during the seventy-eighth plenary meeting of the second term of the Control Yuan.

  10. The accompanying annex on handling principles was amended on Dec. 3, 2001, Ref: Yuan-Tai -Ye-Yi Tze No.900710690.

  11. Articles 3 and 13 were amended on June 21, 2019, Ref: Yuan-Tai-Ye-Tsan Tze No. 1080731028.

  12. Articles 2, 9, 10, 13 were amended, and Article 7 was removed on Nov 3, 2020, Ref: Yuan-Tai-Ye-Tsan Tze No. 1090731486.

  13. Article 10 Appendix added by Control Yuan decree on March 22, 2022, Ref: Yuan-Tai-Ye-Tsan Tze No. 1110730375.