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Control Yuan Holds Workshop for All Members to Improve Operations and Efficiency

  • PostDate:2023-09-28

To better understand general economic changes and social trends, the Control Yuan (CY) and the National Audit Office (NAO) held the second workshop of the 6th term on 31 August to 1 September 2023, entitled “The Contemporary Ombudsman and Human Rights Workshop.” Through the exchange of professional knowledge and career experiences, the event allowed interactions and learning among members, improving consensus and camaraderie between the CY and NAO.
The workshop opened with the keynote addresses, with Dr. Peng Chi-Ming, General Manager of the Weather Risk Explore Inc., and deputy minister of the MOEA Tseng Wen-Sheng invited to talk on “Practical measures to confront the climate emergency” and “Energy policy in response to extreme weather.” These addresses gave the audiences an in-depth insight into the current issue of global concern, extreme weather, and the government’s active movement on energy and industrial transformation strategy.
Afterwards, a wide-ranging dialogue was hold among the President, Vice President, CY members, and the Auditor General on several issues involving with supervisory and auditing work, aiming to foster greater efficiency in CY and NAO operations.