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President Chang Meets with the Delegation of the 2014 National Development Superior Course

  • PostDate:2014-10-17

A delegation of high-ranking military officers from Central and South America visited the Control Yuan (CY) with their spouses on the afternoon of October 13, 2014. The visitors met with CY President Chang Po-ya and learned about control powers in Taiwan.
President Chang warmly welcomed the delegation and briefed them on the evolution and practice of control powers. She described the CY as the watchdog of the government and has a mission to safeguard human rights, similar to role of the human rights public defender offices in Latin American countries, though with higher status and broader powers.
President Chang added that the CY not only supervises public officials but also addresses malfeasance in the government. For instance, she said, the CY once proposed corrective measures against the relevant ministries for the negligence of slack criteria for farmers aged 65 and over to claim monthly subsidies. The corrective measure prompted government reform and significantly reduced government budget waste.
During the one-hour discussion, President Chang also answered several questions from the delegation. At the end of the visit, Major General Hugo Milciades Scolari Pagliaro of Paraguay speaking on behalf of the delegation, thanked the CY for its hospitality.
Apart from the discussion with President Chang, the delegation also enjoyed a video briefing and guided tour of the CY Display Room.